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Planning and Consulting

With highly experienced staff in planning and consulting, Parthenon Corporation provides the strategic analysis needed to develop innovative solutions to complex challenges facing our clients. We work with regional and local officials to establish the guidelines for private development, and we help ensure that investments in transportation and other public infrastructure are spent wisely and cost-effectively.


In creating or updating a Comprehensive Plan - a region’s or municipality’s official policy guide for physical improvements and development - Parthenon assesses not only the immediate, but future needs of the community. Our holistic approach encompasses a wide variety of parameters - from land use, the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, and the protection of open spaces and environmental resources to the provision of parks, schools, and other public facilities. It addresses residential neighborhoods, industrial and business areas, public and institutional lands, and the public rights-of-way.


Environmental issues also play a crucial role in determining the outcome of infrastructure design, land development, and land-use planning decisions—and minimizing environmental impacts is important in evaluating alternatives for any project. URS performs studies that evaluate all potential impacts on air and water quality, noise, local ecology, biological resources, cultural resources, and socio-economic conditions, and we develop effective mitigation strategies.


Our comprehensive plans help establish “ground rules” for both public and private improvement and development. They provide guidelines by which public officials can review and evaluate private development proposals and public improvements.


Services Provided:


Urban and Regional Planning


Transit and Transportation Planning


Pre - design infrastructure Feasibility and Concept Planning


Environmental Studies and Impacts Planning


Economic Impact and Socio - economic Assessment


Brownsfields and Under - utilitized Real Estate Redevelopment Planning





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